nightime eating Unlock Better Sleep with Plant-Powered Eating by SleepCreme

Unlock Better Sleep with Plant-Powered Eating

How Your Plate Can Transform Your Zzz's


In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it's easy to forget that the path to a good night's sleep may be as close as your dinner plate. Imagine drifting off into a deep slumber effortlessly, waking up refreshed and ready to conquer the day. Sounds like a dream, doesn't it? Well, what if we told you it's not just a dream but a tangible reality? Meet the surprising connection between your dietary choices and the quality of your sleep.

The team at SleepCreme envisions a world where the simple act of nourishing our bodies can unlock the secret to restorative sleep. As professional sleep experts and researchers with over a decade of experience delving into effective sleep remedies, SleepCreme unveils the secrets behind getting those elusive Zzz’s. Not only does diet play a part, but our original CBD-infused sleep topical has reports from the lab and our customers that adding SleepCreme to your nightly routine will also help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. Learn more at


Awakening to the Plant-Powered Sleep Revolution

For those struggling to get a solid night’s sleep, what’s on your plate could be the culprit. As they say, “You are what you eat,” and the same goes for your sleep. It’s simple, really: If you eat poorly, your slumber is liable to suffer, too. And vice versa. Dr. Abhinav Singh, medical director of the Indiana Sleep Center in Greenwood, Indiana, and author of Sleep to Heal: 7 Simple Steps to Better Sleep, describes it as “a vicious cycle.”

It all began with a simple observation—a curious correlation between dietary choices and sleep quality.  As Dr. Singh delved deeper into the realm of sleep science, he unearthed a wealth of evidence pointing to the profound impact of plant-powered eating on our sleep cycles.

In his quest for answers, Dr. Singh turned to the voices of experience—individuals whose lives had been transformed by the power of plant-based nutrition. Among them was Meredith Conklin, a 44-year-old court operations manager hailing from the heartland of Kansas City, Missouri.

Meredith's journey towards better sleep was anything but linear. For years, she grappled with the relentless grip of insomnia, navigating the murky waters of sleepless nights and groggy mornings. It wasn't until she embarked on a journey of sobriety that she began to unravel the intricate interplay between her diet and her sleep.


A Tale of Transformation: Meredith's Story

"It would've been impossible to look at nutrition as a potential culprit in my sleep problems had I not eliminated alcohol and drugs from my life," Meredith shares, her voice tinged with quiet resolve. "That's when it got easier to identify a direct correlation between my problems with sleep, and the type of food I consumed the previous day."

For Meredith, the link between diet and sleep quality became increasingly apparent as she embraced a plant-powered lifestyle. Gone were the days of heavy, sugar-laden meals consumed late into the night. In their place emerged a vibrant tapestry of wholesome foods—crisp fruits, verdant vegetables, and nourishing grains—that served as the cornerstone of her newfound approach to nutrition.

Yet, the road to restful sleep was not without its challenges. As an emotional eater, Meredith found herself grappling with cravings for foods that offered solace in times of stress—foods high in volume, carbs, and sugar that promised a fleeting sense of comfort. But with each passing day, she discovered that true comfort lay not in the temporary refuge of sugary indulgences, but in the sustained nourishment of plant-powered goodness.


The Science Behind the Slumber: Unveiling the Research

As Meredith's story illustrates, the link between diet and sleep quality is anything but anecdotal. It is rooted in the rich tapestry of scientific inquiry—a tapestry woven together by researchers like Dr. Singh and certified nutritional practitioner Katie Hammill.

"Good sleep begets more good sleep, and poor sleep begets more poor sleep," Dr. Singh explains, his words echoing across the hallowed halls of the Indiana Sleep Center. "And poor sleep leads to poor food choices. That's why they're called comfort foods. Because nobody who's tired and sleep-deprived is going to reach for a salad."

But maybe they should? According to recent research, vegetarians and vegans sleep an average of 36 minutes more per night than their omnivorous counterparts, with up to 90% reporting good or excellent sleep quality. And those following a raw food diet? They enjoy a staggering 48 additional minutes of sleep each night, with an astounding 97% describing their sleep quality as above average.


Nourishing Your Way to Better Sleep: The Food Factor Unveiled

But what is it about plant-powered eating that makes it such a potent ally in the battle for better sleep? The answer lies in the intricate dance between nutrients and neurotransmitters—a dance orchestrated by the foods we choose to nourish our bodies with.

"Studies show that there are beneficial gut bacteria that help synthesize vitamins and neurotransmitters needed for sleep like GABA," explains Katie Hammill. “So eating a gut-loving diet with fermented and prebiotic/probiotic foods like unsweetened yogurt is helpful."

Indeed, the benefits of plant-powered eating extend far beyond the realm of gut health. From protein-rich legumes to fiber-packed grains, each bite holds the promise of restorative slumber—a promise that is further underscored by the transformative power of sleep-promoting superfoods.


Embracing the Plant-Powered Lifestyle: A Journey of Discovery

For Meredith and countless others like her, the transition to a plant-powered lifestyle has been nothing short of revelatory. With each passing day, they bear witness to the transformative power of whole, unprocessed foods—a power that extends far beyond the realm of sleep and into the very fabric of their lives.

"In the months of January and February this year, I made a nearly complete change to plant-based protein and avoided most egg and dairy products, as well," Meredith shares. "This demonstrated a notable improvement in sleep, fitness, mood—basically all facets of my well-being. It was rather stunning, to be honest."


The Dawn of a New Era: Plant-Powered Sleep for All

The journey to better sleep begins with a simple but powerful choice: what's on your plate. By embracing a plant-powered diet rich in wholesome foods, you can unlock the secret to restful nights and energized days. So, next time you reach for a snack or plan your meals, remember: your sleep depends on it. Sweet dreams await, fueled by the power of plant-based eating.

Adding SleepCreme to your nightly bedtime routine will also calm and relax your mind and body so that you can fall asleep and sleep better…. All night long!


Visit to learn more and get started!


*Source: SleepFoundation

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